Is Your Skin Trying To Tell You Something?
Did you know that your skin is actually an organ, and it is the largest of your entire body? What is even more mind-blowing is that your skin may actually be trying to tell you something via changes in its appearance!
Your skin is the largest organ of your body and might be telling you important information.
This is the reason why your dermatologist can sometimes easily diagnose other health issues just by examining the characteristics and quality of your skin. Often, changes in your complexion can help pinpoint underlying medical conditions whose symptoms have been missed or overlooked.

Dermatologist can sometimes easily diagnose some health issues just by examining the characteristics and quality of your skin.

This doesn’t mean that every time you have a dry patch of skin, or acne break out that your body is warning you of certain danger. Slight changes in your complexion are perfectly normal indicators of natural fluctuations within our body and may not always be cause for concern.
Lifestyle influences (such as not drinking enough water) can also largely affect your skin’s appearance.

When in doubt, it’s always best to seek the opinion of a medical professional. But, learning which signs to look out for can certainly help you catch issues sooner than later.

Keep an Eye on Things

Paying closer attention to your skin’s health and keeping an eye out for any unexplained changes is a great way to practice a holistic approach to health and become more in tune with your body. Here are some tips for glowing skin!

Chronic dry and itchy skin can be a warning for something more serious.
1) Chronic Dry or Itchy Skin
Many of us experience dry, itchy skin, especially when the seasons change. However, if you find that your skin is chronically dry and itchy, it may be a sign that you are suffering from an inflammatory skin condition requiring medical treatment. Chronically dry and itchy skin has also been linked to conditions such as asthma and hay fever.
Spending time is important, but remember to protect your skin from UV radiation.
Sunspots are small spots of discoloration that appear on your skin after prolonged sun exposure, generally on your face, back, shoulders, and the backs of your hands. These are generally not a health concern, but sunspots can later become moles, sores or raised lesions over time. If not properly healed, these can greatly increase your risk of skin cancer.

It’s important to watch sunspots, birthmarks, freckles, and moles for any sudden changes. If a mole doesn’t have a defined border or has darker spots within it, see a dermatologist immediately.

3) Excessive Or Unusual New Hair Growth

Unwanted hair growth in unusual places, specifically near the belly button or around the chin area, can be potential signs of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

This hormonal disorder affects many women of childbearing age and results in longer than usual/infrequent menstrual periods, as well as an excess of androgen levels.

4) Constant Redness/Flushed Appearance

Do your cheeks or forehead look flushed and red constantly? If so, this is usually caused by dilated blood vessels and may be an early sign of menopause or inflammatory skin conditions such as rosacea.

Chronic redness can also be caused by reactions to certain medications or skin allergies to food/products/etc. There can be many reasons behind this inflammatory response within the body that is best diagnosed by a dermatologist or medical professional.

Red skin or a flushed appearance can be an early sign of menopause.

5) Visible Veins

Varicose or spider veins can occur naturally as we age and our skin begins to lose thickness and elasticity, resulting in more visible veins. Adding a collagen supplement can help your skin significantly retain its elasticity. However, prominent veins, especially when accompanied by swelling or discomfort, can point to greater issues with blood flow and circulation (such as the valves inside the veins not working properly).

Spider veins located on the face are usually caused by tiny blood vessels bursting, as well as sun damage and increased pressure. Varicose veins can increase the risk for blood clots and more serious circulation problems and therefore it’s best to have them checked out by your doctor.

Varicose veins can simply be a product of age or a sign of poor blood flow and circulation.

Varicose or spider veins can occur naturally as we age and our skin begins to lose thickness and elasticity, resulting in more visible veins. Adding a collagen supplement can help your skin significantly retain its elasticity. However, prominent veins, especially when accompanied by swelling or discomfort, can point to greater issues with blood flow and circulation (such as the valves inside the veins not working properly).

Spider veins located on the face are usually caused by tiny blood vessels bursting, as well as sun damage and increased pressure. Varicose veins can increase the risk for blood clots and more serious circulation problems and therefore it’s best to have them checked out by your doctor.

6) Multiple Red Bumps

If you are consistently experiencing acne-like red bumps on your face, it may be time to visit a dermatologist. These bumps can be caused by many different conditions and therefore, can sometimes be hard to diagnose.

If the bumps do not go away within a reasonable time frame, it may be a sign that you are suffering from rosacea, allergies, reactions to certain medications, or even diabetes. Pre-diabetics are at greater risk for skin infections and may often experience various types of rashes and bumps.

7) Sallow, Dull Complexion

If your complexion is suddenly looking more sallow, dull or lackluster, it may be a sign that you are experiencing physical symptoms of dehydration. Inflammation, redness, and congestion are the most common tell-tale signs of visible skin dehydration.

Factors such as your diet, environment, weather, and caffeine or alcohol consumption can affect the water content of your skin. Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin vibrant and glowing!

Acne breakouts can be a sign of imbalanced hormones.

8) Breakouts Along The Chin And Jawline

Acne breakouts around the jaw area are most often caused by hormonal imbalance and are usually to be expected around the time of a woman’s menstrual cycle. However, if you consistently experience acne in this area, it may signal an ongoing hormonal imbalance issue that requires further medical treatment to correct.
Need Some Tips For Keeping Your Skin Healthy and Clear?

1) Drink plenty of water

2) Use sunscreen

3) Wear protective clothing

4) Eat a healthy diet

5) Cleanse skin well

6) Choose natural products

7) Exfoliate

8) Get adequate sleep

9) Add a Collagen supplement to your diet

So, is your skin trying to tell you something? Keep an eye on it and you might be thankful it did! Also, do you know the difference between dry vs. dehydrated skin?

To stay up-to-date on all things health & wellness, make sure to check out the other great articles on Smarter Choices, and leave a comment below! If you are interested in keeping your skin clear, you might want to consider checking out this article on removing toxins from the colon, by trying an at-home colon cleanse.