Possible Causes Of Binge Eating Binge eating and food restriction often go hand in hand. In other words, food restriction can often be the cause of binge eating. Are you familiar with the
binge-restrict cycle?
This cycle occurs when one restricts their food intake, likely due to a dieting tactic in order to lose weight, then,
because the body is deprived of food, food becomes an obsession. In response to feeling deprived of food, binging begins leading to feelings of guilt which can lead to the desire to restrict again. Thus, the cycle perpetuates.
Binge eating can also be caused by trauma or intense stress. Sometimes people binge in response to a stressful situation, for example, a divorce or a strict deadline at work. An overwhelming experience can lead to a loss of control when it comes to eating, allowing in foods that may have previously been restricted from your healthy diet, and then some.
Finally, binging may occur as a learned behavior. You may have seen an adult or a peer use binge eating as comfort at one point in time and develop the same habit. Just like anything else,
binge eating can be a behavior we are influenced by.